2014 year of Religious movies?


It’s been 10 years since the one of the scrutinized film in history has been release, The Passion of Christ. Since then there haven’t been much religious (christian) until now. These are five (5) film destine to push the religious border.

1. Son of God.


     This is the first film portraying Jesus since The Passion of Christ and it has big shoes to fill. Although The Passion of Christ focus on the last 12 hours of Jesus’s life and Son of God focuses on Jesus’s life spam from his birth, his teachings, miracles, crucifixion and ultimately his resurrection. Son of God is a recut of the miniseries The Bible, which set records in view for The History Channel. Some scene from the series where removed such as The Temptation with the devil which cause bit of a controversy for the show, some said that devil resembles Barack Obama and…

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